Holy Family International College Preparatory Program (HHICPP), a network of Catholic schools in the greater Pittsburgh, PA area, recently took part in celebrating the Class of 2017. Our international students graduated from member schools including Bishop Canevin High School, Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic High School, Quigley Catholic High School, St. Joseph’s High School, and Vincentian Academy celebrated this precious moment with their family and friends.
Below highlights several of HHICPP and Cambridge Network’s graduates – congratulations to all students, parents (both natural and host) and schools!
Guowei Su (pictured above with a fellow international graduate) celebrated his accomplishments at Quigley Catholic High School. Guowei will attend Pace University this fall.
Eileen Dusch (pictured above right), Program Supervisor and Academic Advisor, stood with graduates Yuhua Di, Ruitao Hong, Ri Zhang, and other international students at Bishop Canevin High School. University matriculation includes Miami University of Ohio, Washington College, and University of Pennsylvania Abington.
Hanni Chen was with her father and played the piano at the Vincentian Academy graduation ceremony. Hanni will attend Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts.