Feb 2018 January Headmaster Trip Headmaster trips allow Cambridge Network schools to: increase both short and long-term brand recog...
Feb 2018 Shanghai Winter In-Country Orientation A one-day event at three top cities in China to serve all new students arriving in the spring. Pre...
Feb 2018 Shenzhen Winter In-Country Orientation A one-day event at three top cities in China to serve all new students arriving in the spring. Pre...
Feb 2018 Beijing Winter In-Country Orientation A one-day event at three top cities in China to serve all new students arriving in the spring. Pre...
Feb 2018 November Headmaster Trip Headmaster trips allow Cambridge Network schools to: increase both short and long-term brand recog...
Feb 2018 October Headmaster Trip Headmaster trips allow Cambridge Network schools to: increase both short and long-term brand recog...
Feb 2018 Shenzhen Summer In-Country Orientation A two-day event at three top cities in China to serve all new students arriving in the fall. Prepa...
Feb 2018 Shanghai Summer In-Country Orientation A two-day event at three top cities in China to serve all new students arriving in the fall. Prepa...
Feb 2018 Shanghai Summer In-Country Orientation A two-day event at three top cities in China to serve all new students arriving in the fall. Prepa...
Feb 2018 Beijing Summer In-Country Orientation A two-day event at three top cities in China to serve all new students arriving in the fall. Prepa...