As the end of the school year draws near, schools are already beginning their celebration preparations: graduation practices, prom arrangements, yearbook photos, etc. Summer is right around the corner; schools and students alike can hardly contain their excitement.
But before the summer jitters get the better of you, Cambridge partners, it’s essential to prepare your school staff and international students for the following year. Here are some friendly reminders and tips!
1. Contact Schools for Transfer Students Paperwork
At the end of the school year, reach out to your student’s old school to start the transfer process. Once the I-20 is transferred, remember to send the student’s new I-20. This step is only necessary for students transferring from another U.S. School. It’s challenging to get in touch with students and other schools over the summer, so make sure to do this before the end for the year!
2. Re-endorse I-20s
Your school’s DSO must sign page 2 of each re-enrolling student’s I-20. Student I-20s must be re-endorsed yearly. Forgetting to endorse a student’s I-20 may result in a student not being able to return next year to your school.
3. Re-Sign Forms
Let your Support Services Coordinator know if you have any additional forms that re-enrolling students must sign each year. Ensuring the completion of these forms over the summer is tough. Try to limit these to necessary forms only.
4. Organize Storage for Student Luggage
Help your international students organize storage for their belongings over the summer. Cambridge partners have the option of using our Luggage Storage Service for students returning to their home country for the summer. Speak to your Support Services Coordinator for more information.
6. Help Students Brush Up on English Skills
For students who may have struggled with their grades or English skills, provide some recommendations of areas that they can work on over the summer.
Cambridge Network academic services offers intensive English language programs for newly enrolling and returning students. Contact your Support Services Coordinator for more information. Non-Cambridge partners can contact KnowledgeLink directly here.
7. Double-Check Student Travel Plans
Remind students of the exact date that they should return to school for the following school year. We recommend collecting flight information before students leave. Students can be challenging to contact during the summer.
8. Release I-20s for Graduating Students
Release your student’s I-20 to the appropriate college or university for the fall. This is necessary for students to continue their studies in the U.S.
9. Provide Official Transcripts
Provide an official copy of each student’s transcript. This document will aid the student in renewing his or her visa. Due to immigration changes, Chinese students will not have to renew their visa each school year. We still advise, however, that you provide an official transcript in case a student needs it to return to the U.S.
10. Plan for Domestic Orientation
It’s never too early to start planning fall orientation! Involve current students in your Domestic Orientation plans to promote student integration. Cambridge partners should stay tuned for an email in late summer with orientation resources and materials.
11. Explain Summer Reading and Assignments
Provide summer reading and assignments to students before they leave. Although summer assignments are common in the U.S., many other countries do not have them. So, be sure to send the list of tasks to your Student Support Associate as well, so that we can assist you in conveying the importance of completing summer assignments.
Cambridge Network is an international education consulting company that provides admissions, academic, and homestay solutions to schools throughout the United States and Canada. We work to raise the global profile of high schools, enhance diversity, and provide valuable support and supervision for all students.
Visit our blog section to learn about industry trends, international program best practices, ways to engage students, and more.
For schools looking for more information on Cambridge Network and our services, please submit an inquiry form.