How to Prepare for the International High School Program: Books, Volunteering, and More

Starting an international high school program is a thrilling journey filled with new experiences and opportunities for growth. To make the most out of this adventure, it’s essential to be well-prepared. This guide will help you get ready for your international high school experience by recommending books, volunteering opportunities, and other valuable tips.

1. Academic Preparation

  1. Recommended Books
  1. “The International Student’s Survival Guide” by Gareth Davey: This guide covers everything from adapting to new cultures to managing finances and dealing with homesickness, providing a comprehensive overview of what to expect.
  2. “A Teen’s Guide to Academic Success: Simple Strategies to Study Smarter, Not Harder” by Jessica Holsman: This book provides effective study strategies tailored for high school students, helping you excel academically in your new environment.
  3. “Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds” by David C. Pollock and Ruth E. Van Reken: This book offers insights into the unique experiences of students who grow up in multiple cultural environments, helping you understand and navigate the challenges of living abroad.
  1. Online Courses and Resources
  • Khan Academy: Offers free courses in various subjects that can help you prepare academically for your new school’s curriculum.
  • Duolingo: If your host country speaks a different language, using language-learning apps like Duolingo can help you learn basic phrases and improve your communication skills.

2. Cultural Preparation

  1. Understanding the Host Country
  1. Read Up on Culture and Etiquette: Books like the “Culture Shock!” series provide insights into the cultural norms and expectations of your host country, helping you adapt more smoothly.
  2. Follow News Outlets and Blogs: Stay updated with current events and local news through reputable sources. This will help you understand the political, social, and economic landscape of your host country.
  1. Volunteering and Community Involvement
  1. Local Volunteering: Engage in community service projects in your home country before you leave. Volunteering helps develop empathy, leadership skills, and a sense of responsibility—qualities that will serve you well in an international program.
  2. Virtual Volunteering: Platforms like VolunteerMatch offer virtual volunteering opportunities. You can work with international organizations, gaining valuable experience and making a global impact from your home.

3. Practical Preparation

  1. Packing Essentials
  1. Academic Supplies: Ensure you have all necessary school supplies, including a reliable laptop, notebooks, and stationery.
  2. Personal Items: Pack essentials like clothing suited to the climate of your host country, personal hygiene products, and any necessary medications. Don’t forget sentimental items that remind you of home.
  1. Health and Safety
  1. Medical Check-ups: Schedule a comprehensive medical check-up and ensure all vaccinations are up to date. Obtain a copy of your medical records and any prescriptions you might need.
  2. Travel Insurance: Purchase comprehensive travel insurance that covers health, travel delays, and personal belongings.

4. Social and Emotional Preparation

  1. Building a Support Network
  1. Stay Connected: Maintain regular communication with family and friends through social media, video calls, and messaging apps.
  2. Join Online Groups: Connect with other international students through forums, social media groups, and school-specific platforms. Sharing experiences and advice can be comforting and informative.
  1. Mental Health
  1. Mindfulness and Stress Management: Practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation and yoga to manage stress and anxiety. Apps like Headspace and Calm offer guided sessions that can be very helpful.
  2. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to seek support from school counselors, peer support groups, or mental health professionals if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Final Thoughts

Preparing for an international high school program involves more than just academic readiness; it requires a holistic approach that encompasses cultural, practical, social, emotional, and financial preparation. By taking these steps, you’ll be well-equipped to make the most of this incredible opportunity, creating unforgettable memories and gaining invaluable experiences along the way. Good luck on your journey!

For more resources and information on international high school programs, visit Cambridge Network.